Put Yourself First for Once

And Stop Feel Guilty for Doing What’s Best For You

Timothy Eldred
3 min readJan 13, 2022

I opened my Facebook today to find a friend request from a person I vaguely remember from 30 years ago. I actually had to look at their profile to see if I knew them at all.

Sound familiar? And like you’ve probably done, I paused a moment and thought, “Well, I hate to hurt their feelings.”And then I hit delete without another thought.

I did the same thing over the last couple weeks with my social media accounts. With the help of an app, I scanned through my friends and followers and cleaned house.

Was it difficult? At first. After all, it feels really good to have thousands of people pay attention to you on social media. right? It feeds our ego and sense of identity.

If you’re honest, you pay attention to those numbers, too. And many people (like me) compare the number of followers and friends we have with other people’s accounts.

When did quantity over quality of relationships become so important? If that’s not true for you, good for you. But for most people, it’s a factor in their sense of self-worth.

Why? Because we crave significance and belonging. Humans are hardwired for relationships. But maybe more than ever, we settle and sacrifice quality for quantity.



Timothy Eldred

Writer, speaker, bourbon drinker, and friendly disrupter of the status quo helping people live with authenticity. timothyeldred.com. I also write on Substack.