Are You Ready for the Next Storm?

3 Lessons for Your Life and Leadership

Timothy Eldred
4 min readFeb 24, 2022
Timothy Eldred Storms of Life Square Peg Round Hole Podcast

As I pulled into my office Monday morning, I was greeted by a debris field. Styrofoam sheeting and pieces of metal littered my parking lot. Instantly, I knew the source of the scene. Winds from the weekend storm had destroyed our gymnasium roof.

Amidst valiant efforts by a roofing company, hundreds of gallons of water poured inside over the next 18 hours. Needless to say, I didn’t get much office work done yesterday. I was busy with insurance companies creating a management plan.

Even as I write, professionals are upstairs figuring out how to salvage the floor. And while that is a concern, it pales in comparison to the primary problem — the damage hanging above us — literally. So while experts strategize, I’m pondering some lessons.

Here are a couple of takeaways for you to consider:


The problem you can see isn’t the cause of your crisis.

The storm you face today and the symptoms you’re suffering from at this moment probably didn’t blow in overnight. While storms can suddenly appear in our lives, most have been brewing on the not-too-distant horizon for a while.

Marriages don’t quickly disintegrate. Addictions don’t magically



Timothy Eldred

Writer, speaker, bourbon drinker, and friendly disrupter of the status quo helping people live with authenticity. I also write on Substack.